Casey Mulligan Walsh

Writer Casey Mulligan Walsh

Casey Mulligan Walsh

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
-Joseph Campbell

Motina Books ~ February 18, 2025

"Am I not a man? Of course I've been married. Wife, house, kids, everything...the full catastrophe!"
-Zorba, "Zorba the Greek," the movie


I’m a wife, mother, stepmother, mother-in-law, Mimi to ten beautiful grandkids, and friend to more women and men who inspire and uplift me than I can count. Lucky me. 

My own life has been filled with relentless tragedy and wonderful joy, the low lows and high highs and everything in between. As a teenage orphan, a 20-year-old without parents or siblings, later as the parent of a child who died (why is it we still have no name for this?),  I’ve seen that grief and joy can and do coexistthat how we choose to see the world impacts who we become. That, in the end, it’s all about connection. This principle, which has guided me in my search for meaning in loss, is the focus of my memoir, THE FULL CATASTROPHE: All I Ever Wanted, Everything I Feared,  which I’m delighted to announce is forthcoming from Motina Books on February 18, 2025.

A former speech-language pathologist, these days I write memoir and creative nonfiction and travel with my husband, Kevin. We’re both ambassadors for The Family Heart Foundation, an organization devoted to raising awareness of familial hypercholesterolemia, the common yet vastly undiagnosed genetic disorder that has impacted my family across generations, as well as elevated Lp(a). I also write a patient perspective blog about this topic for WebMD. Please click on the links above and learn more. You may prolong or save a life.

I’d be honored to walk a while with you on your own journey through this messy life. 

Recents from Embracing the Full Catastrophe